
By Nikita.




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Google Camera 8.2 by Nikita (nickpl13) v1.4
Based on: GCam 8.2.300

• Added Lib Patcher (separated for AUX)
• Added restart for Front camera (Thanks PitbulL and onFire)
• Added Graphs for Curves (Tone, Gamma and Sect)
• Improved Curve Graphs look and layouts
• Improved third-party gallery support (Thanks al_ro)
• Improved Sabre on RAW Sensor (RAW16) devices
• Fixed HDR+ Enhanced stuck
• Fixed Astro problems with DCIP3
• Some fixes and additional changes

• Special thanks for r0m10, ytsependa, AndreyZo, User_X, Arnova8G2 and SDE for their development in Lib Patcher. Thanks overwhelmer for Graphs and Seekbar code
• Old XMLs from version 8.1 won't work with Lib Patcher from version 8.2. That's why it is recommended to use new one or old with your own lib patcher tweak
• Old PseudoCT (Color Transform) from NGCam 7.4 was removed due HDR+ Enhanced issue on some devices
• On RAW Sensor (RAW16) devices you can use Sabre (Merge 2 and 3) if you enable setting in Extended Lib Patcher. If it is disabled, then you won't face with FC

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