OnePlus 8 Series & 9R Noise Reduction Patch
These modules disable hardware noise reduction nodes on the Qualcomm ISP, allowing for slightly improved detail on RAWs and GCam photos. They work on all GCam apks.
These modules are different from the Camera Unlocker. You should use both the Unlocker and Patch at the same time if you’re on OOS or a ROM with the OnePlus camera build in, or only the Patch if you’re on another ROM.
The patch is currently included in Jeus Chrit’s AOSPA Unofficial for the OnePlus 8T/9T, thus users of the ROM don’t have to flash this module. If you’re using a different custom ROM, then you can install it.
Tested on:
- OxygenOS 11, 13/13.1, 14 firmware.
- Magisk 26.3, 27.0.
- KernelSU.
Magisk modules for:
- OnePlus 8:
- OnePlus 8 Pro:
- OnePlus 8T and 9R:
Thanks to @JeusChrit and @luffitys for their work on creating and testing this module, and of course everyone that tested it.
See also:
- Camera Unlocker for the OnePlus 8 Series and OnePlus 9R
- Telegram group for support: @gcamOnePlus8
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