
By BaaDNwZ.



(From the OP6/6T telegram group. Don't spam the group if you don't have this device!).

This is a *cosmetic mod only* fully based on Xenius9 Gcam mods for Samsung (SD variant) (also based on a version from Arnova8G2). All credits to him and everyone else that contributed to his versions.

"Simple" is a cosmetic modification that made for personal use. I decided to share it because it's more intuitive and user friendly (imo) but at the same time a bit more function rich than other available for our devices mods.

You *must* load the config file for it to work well. For OnePlus 6 / 6T:

Some users have reported front camera crashes on OOS 10. According to Arnova8G2, this is a bug with RAW format and we need to wait for it to be fixed.

🗣 Discussion: