Posted by Tolyan009/TlnNeun here.
- Fix night mode when Pixel 3 AWB is enabled.
- Changes to the libs included, they were also arranged in order of noise suppression (with Stock by Google being the less noisy).
- Something else.
Config files (OnePlus 3/3T):
(How to Import/Export .xml config files)
- Base config (OP3/3T): t1.4a-cel-op3-main.xml
- Quality config (OP3/3T) - slower, based on Mario Cola's config: t1.4a-cel-op3-quality.xml
If you have a different phone, visit groups or forum threads to see which settings other users are using: useful links.
- The Pixel 3 AWB (auto white balance) can be enabled inside the FIX menu.
- A clean install (or "data clear" to remove all data from previous versions) is recommended, specially if you're having issues.
- Some phones don't support 240FPS slow motion, change it to 120FPS in Settings > Advanced > FIX > Init SlowMo With.
- On some phones Motion Photos crash on 4:3 resolution. Disable Motion Photos or reduce its resolution to 640x480 (Settings > Advanced > FIX).
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