By Hasli.
- LMC8.4_R14.apk (com.google.android.GoogleCameraEngR14) #
- LMC8.4_R14_Snapcam.apk (org.codeaurora.snapcam) #
- LMC8.4_R14_Samsung.apk (com.samsung.android.ruler) #
- LMC8.4_R14_GLens.apk (com.google.android.GoogleCameraEng) #
Changes for R14:
- Material You for all versions of Android. *
- Noise model from the system and noise model tuning. *
- Disabled 70% of animations for speed.
- Changed some default settings
- More values for Lut Noise Fix (the higher the value, the more motion artifacts and less noise)
- Changed default tone/gamma curves from version 8.6, sect by Cseus (smoother).
* Taken from SGcam, thanks to Shamim for a job well done.
Clean installation recommeneded. Configs from previous versions supported.
The noise model setting does not work with the system model, nor does dynamic ISO selection work in noise models. It will be fixed in a future update.
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