
By BigKaka.



AGC 8.8 V7.0

What's new!!

- Added lut intensity slider bar to viewfinder, it's will show when you choose a lut at profile
- LUT list sort by name
- Added camera.fix_request_capabilities
- Added XML loading function to the settings page
- Fixed long exposure problem, like Astronomical Mode
- Fixed Watermark lose EXIF
- Change NoiseModel, AWB to Download/AGC8.8 folder, supported multiple choice

AGC Toolkit 4.6:

- Download »

What's new!!

- Added Following, Followers
- Added LUT Oldest list, Search, Delete
- Bookmark category use All default
- Fixed some photos automatically rotate after adding watermarks
- Fixed lut intensity slider bar
- Fixed Watermark lose EXIF


🗣 Discussion:

Versions from this modder may contain code from other developers.