
By onFire.



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Version based on cstark27 7.2.014 PX. For Xiaomi Mi 9 SE.

What works:

+ Astro photo;
+ drawing with light (the chip that is in the PX mode from the old for pixels);
+ auto white balance;
+ lib patcher;
+ Sabre (but with problems);
+ shutter speed.

Known issues:

- Sabre + front camera = crash (will be fixed in future versions);
- 60 FPS in the video does not work;
- There are problems with colors on some firmware;
(turn on lib patcher, turn on auto white balance, turn off "Disable Dynamic Black Level");
- There are problems with focus in the video; switching to the front and back helps;
- Slow Mo does not work;
- On some firmware there is a problem with the horizontal mode in night mode;
- The problem of focus was also noticed in cases when you taped with focus, and then zoom;

🗣 Discussion: