




Note: The files have been updated to fix some bugs with the initial version. It also now works right away on some Samsung devices.

BSG public version changelog (9.1.098 from 2024/02/10):
- in the "Additional settings" of the module, the section "All modes" (for all modes) and the items: "Lut noise Fix", "High light Fix", "Disable preserving highlights", "RAW16 Fix" have been added.
- in the "Additional settings" of the module (divided into "HDR+ ( Off / Auto / Net )" and "Enhanced HDR+ / Night Sight") the item "Log2 downsample factor override" has been added.
- in the "Additional settings" of the module, in the "HDR+ ( Off / Auto / Net )" section, the items "Disable Discard Dissimilar Frames", "Disable dropping with low Score", "Disable dropping with TET Mismatch", "High light Fix Zsl" have been added.
- in the "Additional settings" of the module (for all modes) the "Color Factor" section has been added ("Light offset Low", "Light offset Med", "Light offset High", "-Yellow/+Blue", "-Blue/+ Yellow", "-Yellow/+Blue,Purple", "-Green/+Red,Orange", "-Orange,Red/+Green,Blue").
- fixed errors found in the modification's operation.
- fixed operation on some devices.

Ченджлог публичной версии от BSG (9.1.098 от 10.02.2024):
- в "Дополнительные настройки" модуля добавлен раздел "All modes"(для всех режимов) и пункты: "Lut noise Fix", "High light Fix", "Disable preserving highlights", "RAW16 Fix".
- в "Дополнительные настройки" модуля (разделенные на "HDR+ ( Off / Auto / Net )" и "Enhanced HDR+ / Night Sight") добавлен пункт "Log2 downsample factor override".
- в "Дополнительные настройки" модуля в раздел "HDR+ ( Off / Auto / Net ) добавлены пункты "Disable Discard Dissimilar Frames", "Disable dropping with low Score", "Disable dropping with TET Mismatch", "High light Fix Zsl".
- в "Дополнительные настройки" модуля (для всех режимов) добавлен раздел "Color Factor" ("Light offset Low", "Light offset Med", "Light offset High", "-Yellow/+Blue", "-Blue/+Yellow", "-Yellow/+Blue,Purple", "-Green/+Red,Orange", "-Orange,Red/+Green,Blue").
- исправлены найденные ошибки в работе модификации.
- исправлена работа на некоторых девайсах.


For developers:

🇬🇧 I would like to ask developers: If you will use my work, I ask you to indicate my authorship, as well as links to my Celso page and the Telegram group -

🇷🇺 Хочу обратиться к разработчикам модов. Если Вы будете использовать мои наработки, прошу Вас указывать моё авторство, а так же ссылки на мою страницу Celso и группу Telegram -

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