By Aliaksandr.




How to install my config for AGC9.1:

1. Download and install the APK with package samsung, ruler or aweme: AGC9.1.24_V10.0
2. Download and extract the archive with configs and noise models to any folder
3. Extract ALL noise model files (with extension .c) from the archive to the folder "<internal storage>/Download/AGC.9.1/noise/"
!!!Don't need to additionally import these noise model files!!!
4. Extract configs from the archive to the folder "<internal storage>/Download/AGC.9.1/configs/"
5. Provide file permissions to AGC (it automatically asked about this when you open GCam settings)
6. Load the config: go to profile selector (a button on top right side of camera viewport) -> Load Configs -> choose my config
7. Done

My profiles:
1. Balanced-LDR - balance between details and motion artifacts, can be used from photo and night mode.
2. MaxQ-LDR - focus on max details, can be used from photo and night mode.
3. Astro - focus to make natural dark photos with long exposure.
4. Balanced-HDR - balance between details and motion artifacts, can be used from photo and night mode.
5. MaxQ-HDR - focus on max details, can be used from photo and night mode.
6. Sport - focus on capturing motion, in night mode forces very fast shutter speed.

HDR profiles have brighter shadows than LDR but worse motions handling and longer processing time.