changes imported from 3.X HasselbladLUT series:

- Updated the night profile to reduce blurring in extreme low-light situations.
- Removed HDR profile. Please use HDRE for situations like capturing pictures indoors to outdoors. The default setting is HDR+.
- changes in brightness, contrast, and colors on all profiles
- reduction of overexposure
- ghosting reduction
- elimination of oversaturation on ultrawide camera
- new preset "Main" this preset is without LUT. It doesn't need extra time to process.
-- night profile with more detail (main shouldn't blur low light areas anymore, ultrawide is usable now with much more detail than before)
-- rest profiles reduced sharpening artifact (more natural photos in good lighting but more noise in low light)

extra changes to day_night4.0:

- new profile Natural
- profile renamed to better reflect picture color: Natural, Vivid, Night
- reduced noise in main and ultrawide camera at Night, Natural and Vivid profiles
- contrast and brightness correction
- minor color adjustment
- optimize for HDR+ processing